for Non-Supervisory People

Have you been sending your Supervisors to training,

but not getting the results you expected?

How about training your hourly and salaried people

in those same critical leadership skills so they become skilled participants

in the productivity, quality and customer satisfaction skills

you need to achieve your organizational goals?!

This program is designed to give all people skill-building opportunities in Leadership Skills without including the supervisory/administration elements reserved for supervision, such as, performance appraisal.

These 10 modules can be presented separately or in combination, presented two modules per day, or one module each week, presented over time.

Each module includes some element of the recommended four approaches to development; personal growth, conceptual understanding of leadership, feedback from self and others, and skill building opportunity.

Each module contains learning behavior objectives, lecturette of concepts, interactive discussion, role-play and small group activity, and individual action planning to facilitate the transfer of training. Participant materials are provided in a 3-ring binder. Certificates of Achievement are presented.

Optional: Learning Tips for Supervisors/Managers--new positive behaviors to look for back in the workplace. Catch someone doing something right!!

Module Topics and Activities

      Effective Interpersonal Communication

        Effective Communication Skills

        Assertiveness and Leadership

        Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication

        CARStyles Ô Social Styles of Communication, self-assessment and of others

      Change Leadership: Managing Change for Ourselves

        Change and Transition

        Four Skills for Managing Change for Ourselves

        Tool: "Life Challenge Inventory"

      Conflict Management and the Role of Interpersonal Skills

        Five Styles to Manage Conflict

        Behavior of Problem People in our Worklife

        Action Steps to Manage Difficult People

      Ethical Leadership: Do the Right Thing

        The Leadership Diamond Model: Greatness

        Doing the Right Thing for Whom

        Serving our Customers

      Giving and Receiving Constructive Feedback

        Motivation and Communication Behavior

        The Feedback Process

        Understanding the Analysis of Employee Performance

        Setting and Achieving Goals for Ourselves

      Performance Coaching and More Leadership Skills

        Coaching and OJT

        Social Styles of Communication Behavior and Learning Style

        Five Easy Steps to Coaching

        Leadership Practice


        Forming: Teamwork--How to get it

        Social Styles of Communication and Teamwork

        What to Look for in Teams

        Storming: When the Team does not act like a Team

      More Teamwork

        Norming: Increasing Team Identity and Commitment

        Problem Solving and Identifying Opportunities for Improvement

        Performing: Consensus Decision-Making within a Team

        Transforming: Teamwork and how to keep it--Reward and Recognition

      Effective Facilitation

        Leading Brainstorming Sessions

        Facilitation Skills and Other Proven Tools

      Planning, Organizing, and Monitoring (Follow-through)

        Goal Setting and Establishing priorities

        Project Planning

        Planning Leadership Practice

        Team Project Planning

 Satisfied clients include Detroit Edison Fermi 2 Nuclear Power Plant. Training was presented for represented operators.


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